Tuesday, 13 December 2011

13th December


Today I earned  41 pips. Good day, but like always I didn't have a lot of time, but I got my regular number of pips. Regular pips are most important thing in trading. There is a lot of one-day millionairs, but the most important rule is regular profits. It isn't great if you make 200-300 pips one day if you'll lose the same money in another day.

Everyday profit is my target!

Here are my trades:

I'm waiting for your messages or invites on Skype. I got some informations, that some of traders didn't get my mails or Skype messages - I don't know why, please write to me on my mail, Skype, priv or in comments in my blog.

Mail: grandforeverfx@gmail.com
Skype: juliusz5071

Best regards

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